T14 Armata T72M T72M1 T72B T72 T72AG T72A T72SIM2 T72M2 T72UA1 T72A T72AK T72AV T72M1D BREM2 T55/54 T62 T64 M1 M1A1 M1A1 HA M1 M1 SEP Leopard 1 Leopard AS1 Leopard 2A1 Leopard 2 Leopard 2A3 Leopard 2 Leopard 2A5 Leopard 2A5DK Leopard 2A6 Leopard 2 Leopard 2V Leopard 2 Finland— Some 160–170 T72M1s About 70 T72M1s (one armoured brigade) were bought from the Soviet Union and were delivered in 1984, 1985–19 and 1990 A further 97 T72M1s (including a small number of command versions T72M1K and T72M1K1) were bought from German surplus stocks in 1992–1994 All withdrawn from service in 06D10T (100mm) T55AD1 is a Polish command tank that first appears in Wargame AirLand Battle Weapons
Pingdu Town Luda Bobo Really Never Built A Heavy Tank 60tp Is A Dream Mecha Is A Fantasy Inews